When nature calls; hiking, beaches and boating adventures
You may be relieved (pun intended) to learn that this post is not about the need to urinate. If I ever get to that stage, I would urge you to do me a kindness and tell me that it’s time to flush this blog down the proverbial toilet. You may be disappointed, however, to find it is also not a blog about the classic movie Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. Humourous as that movie was (though not as good as the first I must add!), I may save that topic for another time.
A view from the bottom of Kondalilla falls, its origins 80 metres above.
Today’s blog post is about getting out in nature. You might have noticed from other posts that I’ve been doing a fair bit of that this year. In addition to the infamous Tibrogargan climb where I found myself a little challenged both physically and mentally, only to be utterly upstaged by a couple of young kids who seemed to be managing the climb quite comfortably, I have also hiked up and around Mt Cooroora, Mt Eerwah, Mt Ninderry and Mt Coolum, through the Noosa National Park and around the Kondalilla Falls Circuit.
And that’s all the land stuff; I’ve also been in the ocean more times in the past eighteen months than I have for my whole life prior to that. Growing up in south-west Sydney the beach was something I visited occasionally rather than on a regular basis (assuming Simmos beach on the George’s River doesn’t count. Which I think it’s safe to say it doesn’t. There is some sand, but also empty beer bottles and used needles and condoms in equal parts).
Dean, Karen and the boys on the beach at Morton Island.
Many of these visits to the beach are with my three boys; to the point that I even bought one of those beach tents. And yes, I have been that guy struggling to either get it set up or packed down as the wind does it’s darndest to turn the thing inside out and utterly humiliate me. But I’ve also gotten to the beach plenty of times by myself, breathing a sigh of relief as I leave the tent in the garage on these occasions.
There were also some kayaking adventures at Noosa and down in the Pumicestone passage earlier in the year. These trips were beautiful, if somewhat expensive, claiming the lives of a couple of mobile phones along the way. Needless to say I was not overly impressed when I opened a water-proof compartment to find my phone floating beside a disclaimer sticker that must have been on the inside of the compartment warning that it might not actually be waterproof. Another amazing use of the asterisks, and reinforcing my need to read labels carefully!
The inside of a tree on the Kondalilla Falls circuit. I reckon a child could climb about 15 metres up the inside of this tree!
And at the weekend just passed I was lucky enough to get out with my boys and my Aunty and Uncle on their yacht, Run to Paradise II (a 46′ Martzcraft series for those with sailing knoweldge), and sail across to Morton Island and spend a lovely weekend out on the water. Really this blog is just an excuse to share some of the photos from the trip, and to thank Karen and Dean for inviting us along!
Yet after having not done much of this sort of thing over the past fifteen years, I’m thinking of the benefits all this stuff has brought me over the last 18 months.
Spending time with family and friends – Being out in nature is a good way to get away from or at least reduce the time spent on screens and actually spend more time with people around you. Most of the memories of times spent in and around the house will fade fairly quickly. But stepping out of routine and the mundane into some of the breath-taking places that nature and doing that with people close to you will help build bonds and memories that will last well into the future. Experiences are generally better for having shared them; like sitting on the deck of the boat with the boys and seeing a full moon rise, marveling at its size and orange colour so low on the horizon.
Spending time with myself – No, I don’t have a creepy nature fetish. Nor have I come across anyone else with such a fetish in my ventures so far; another thing I am thankful for because apparently they exist! My Aunt and Uncle did recount a story about a naked fisherman they stumbled across in one of their forays through the bush. Like them, I’m not sure I follow the wisdom of combining fishing hooks with nakedness and the unnecessary risks that entails, but apparently he was hooked on the idea. Maybe it’s his attempt to turn fishing into an extreme sport? Or perhaps just really into piercings…
The view of Kondalilla falls from part way down the circuit track. Not sure I will ever by a master of the selfie…
No, I am talking about the importance of spending time by myself, away from distractions and daily pressures. Having separated early last year and only having the boys with me half the time means I’ve had far more alone time than I’ve been used to. Overall I’m fairly comfortable spending time by myself and certainly have enough hobbies to pass the time (e.g. writing a blog!). Even so, it can be lonely at times; for all the chaos that parenting can sometimes bring, I miss the boys when they are not around. But it’s hard to feel lonely when gazing up at towering trees, while in the presence of plunging waterfalls or whilst floating over the gentle roll of the waves. It brings the opportunity to reflect, get out of my own head and think of the bigger picture. I find it a very peaceful experience.
Noah & Thomas tearing down the dune at Morton Island. Karen on the beach below gives some perspective on how tall the dune was!
Physical Health - After getting an ACL reconstruction this time last year, I am probably fitter and stronger now than I was prior to the operation. Now I must preface that this is not the only fitness work I do; I was pretty strict with the rehab exercises I was given, and there was the matter of the Push Up Challenge I did earlier in the year which involved ludicrous amounts of push-ups over a three and a half week period. But getting out into nature certainly contributes fitness wise, and hands-down beats grueling workouts at home, or in the gym, on the enjoyment stakes. On Morton Island, the boys and I ran up one of the steepest and tallest sand-dunes I’ve ever been on three times. Not for fitness, just because. It burned the quads and left us gasping for breath (which proved extra challenging when we turned and had our breath further taken away by the spectacular views!), but was so much fun and satisfying to have done. And of course, it was pretty great getting to tumble back down them again.
The swimming hole at the top of Kondililla falls. Why wouldn’t you sit and just take it in like that guy?
Mental Health - Spending time with nature is probably one of the best ways to de-stress and take a break from some of the worries of life. I’m not sure I quite nailed the de-stressing side with the Tibrogargan climb, but the others certainly have had that effect. Swimming in the fresh-water pool at the top of Kondillila falls after a hike around the circuit, gazing out at the view of Noosa and the hinterland from Mt Cooroora, body-surfing at Sunshine Beach, or seeing a family of dolphins glide past the bow of the boat, just seems to help those worries slip away. Those two young dolphins were so cute! There are heaps of studies that verify the benefits of nature for mental health, but you just have to get out and do it to know it leaves you feeling pretty great.
Challenging myself physically and mentally – There is the relaxing peaceful side of these forays, but there is also great benefit in challenging myself to do difficult and new things; and I reckon this helps build mental health and resilience as much as anything. It’s super important in finding new (or old) perspectives on things; like reminding me what the boys might be feeling when they are taking on tasks that are new and difficult for them, but might seem easy for an adult. I’m thinking of giving surfing a go partly for this reason (pressure’s on now that I’ve publicly mentioned it!). It’s daunting given I’m sure I will be pretty rubbish at it initially, and that can feel uncomfortable in front of so many people here on the coast that have surfed most of their lives. But it’s another skill to learn and I reckon it will feel pretty good if I persist. Stay tuned.
The view from the top of the dune on Morton Island. You can see Brisbane beyond a parked tanker on the faded horizon.
Appreciation – Perhaps best of all and pretty much covering all of the above points, getting out and about has built appreciation for what I have. I feel so blessed to have the health and fitness to get out and do these things, and I won’t take that for granted. Especially this year, when so many have been limited in their movements and stuck in their homes. I feel grateful for the freedoms we have in Australia, and the abundance of natural wonders in this beautiful country. I loved that I’ve had the opportunity to share these things with friends and family, and that I’ve been blessed with the resilience and courage to get out in them by myself as well. Special thanks again to Karen and Dean for the trip on the weekend; the boys and I had a great time!