Martin Rodoreda is a Sydney born, Sunshine Coast based father, writer and media professional with a love of speculative fiction, ancient history and the environment. Martin’s writing draws on contemporary themes and seeks to combine action, fiction, humour and social comment into worlds that are simultaneously familiar and foreign, realistic and extraordinary. Martin is passionate about sustainability and preserving the environment for future generations; a theme that is prevalent in his debut novel, Salvage.

Photo by Brian Barrett @watermarkpictures9

Photo by Brian Barrett @watermarkpictures9

Getting to know Martin

Family & Work

Martin is one of four and a father to three boys; Noah, Jacob and Thomas. He enjoys getting out and active with his boys, catching up online with his extended family and getting back to Sydney to visit family and friends. Martin is a veteran of the media industry, having worked as a media professional for over eighteen years.

The Environment

Martin is passionate about respecting the environment and working towards a sustainable future; themes that come through strongly in his debut novel, Salvage. He volunteers with a local bush care group and seeks to make environmentally responsible decisions in his day to day.

Picture by Cara Rodoreda

Picture by Cara Rodoreda



While Martin enjoys a sneaky burger or pie as much as the next bloke, he knows the value of maintaining a healthy balance. He makes good use of both the fresh produce and the kind climate of the Sunshine Coast to eat healthy and get out and active. Kicking the footy, getting down to the beaches, or hiking in the hinterland are among his favoured activities.


While eating well and staying active feeds physical health; Martin believes that a good hobby or two is equally important for maintaining mental health! In addition to reading and writing, Martin enjoys role-playing games, board games and table-top miniature games. He also loves Australian Rules Football and is a Sydney Swans fan.


Martin grew up reading Enid Blyon, Roald Dahl and Tolkien, before getting heavily into dungeons & dragons inspired fantasy books. As an adult he reads a more diverse range of books, among which Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series is a favourite, as well as the ancient Greek classics like Homer, Xenophon and Thucydides.

20210710 - Mt Cooroora, Selfie.jpg


Martin has always loved being out and active and has tried his hands at a number of sports over the years. His favourite is Australian Rules football, where he played for the Campbelltown Blues in Sydney for many years. While he’s since hung up the boots himself, he spends plenty of time kicking with his boys and helping out at their junior club.


Martin enjoys a wide range of music, with a leaning towards Australian Music and alternate genres. From heavier bands likes Cog, Tool, Karnivool, Smashing Pumpkins, Birds of Tokyo, Breaking Orbit and the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, to acts like the Hilltop Hoods, Amy Shark, the John Butler Trio, Allday, Epicure, Gotye and countless others, locally and internationally.

“With great responsibility comes great power”

Mark Manson